The Spiny-Tailed Monitor (also known as the Australian Dwarf Ridge Tail Monitor) orginates from North-West Australia and can ascertain a length of 2-2.5 foot in length with a life expectancy of over 20 years. It is therefore essential that thorough consideration for the long term requirements of this reptile are looked into before purchasing.
The Spiny-Tailed Monitor inhabits dry, arid areas of Australia and a similar habitat should be established in their enclosure. This is best created by using a desert sand substrate with rocks and branches for climbing, as well as plastic and silk plants to add character to the enclosure. The substrate should be around 2″ in depth because these lizards like to dig and burrow. Provide these lizards with at least a 36″ x 24″ x 24″ wooden vivarium. A large water bowl for your monitor to get into if ,he wishes is also required.
UVB lighting is essential for these Monitor Lizards and a 10% tube will provide this. We recommend the Exo Terra Repti-Glo range. Lighting should be turned on for between 10 and 12 hours daily and light tubes should be replaced every 6 months because the UVB emission decreases gradually overtime.
Temperature And Humidity:
Spiny-Tailed Monitors requires a basking spot temperature of up to 98-113°f. This cannot be achieved properly using conventionally heat sources and therefore a Ceramic Heat Emitter is preferred in conjunctio with a Microclimate B2 or B2ME (Night temperature) Pulse Thermostat. Two thermometers should be used (one at each end of the vivarium) to monitor the temperature gradient.
Placing a rock underneath the basking area is recommended because these Monitor Lizards love to bask in the heat. The Spiny-Tailed Monitor is renowned for not shedding properly, so keep a close eye on your lizard to ensure he sheds his skin, especially on his toes and the tip of his tail. Although these lizards are a desert reptile, they must still be sprayed with water daily when they are shedding their skin. This will encourage a full shed, reducing the risk of problems.
Feed an a diet of hoppers, crickets and an occasional pinky mouse. All foods should be dusted with calcium (such as Calypso) and twice a week, should be dusted with a multvitamin supplement such as Nutrobal. If you purchase your Spiny-Tailed Monitor from us, we can advise you as to the feeding regime we followed with your chosen Monitor.